Nicholson McLaren Aviation holds UK CAA, EASA Third Country & FAA Approvals


Propeller Governors (CSU)

Nicholson McLaren Aviation overhaul, repair and stock service exchange aircraft propeller governors to include Hartzell, Woodward, and McCauley.

Our in-house capability enables us to repair or overhaul your aircraft propeller governor within 2-3 days due to our extensive stock holding of spares.

The experts at Nicholson McLaren Aviation aim to get you back in the air as soon as possible.

We can carry out repairs and overhauls on your propeller governor if sent in separate or with your engine for overhaul.

NMA have a comprehensive capability list covering a full array of firewall forward. This includes Woodward, McCauley and Hartzell Propeller Governor/Constant Speed Unit (CSU), overhaul, repair and shockload inspection.

Propeller Governor/Constant Speed Unit (CSU) can be released with CAA, FAA and EASA Part 145 Release.

We have a large inventory of spares parts to allow us to offer a fast turnaround time, We also carry overhauled exchange units on the shelf.

CSU Properller Govenor manufacturers supported by NMA



Ontic (Woodward)

Are you looking for help or information on propeller governors and CSU’s?

Hartzell Propeller Governor