Nicholson McLaren Aviation holds UK CAA, EASA Third Country & FAA Approvals


We have a Nicholson Mclaren Aviation Zero timed overhauled IO-360-L2A For a Cessna 172 exchange engine for sale with UK CAA, FAA and EASA Release available.

This engine has:-

  • NEW Lycoming Crankshaft installed.
  • Overhauled crankcase.
  • New Champion Slick magnetos
  • New Champion Spark plugs and harness
  • Overhauled Fuel servo and flow divider

The engine was overhauled IAW Lycoming SI1009BE Note 15, (This engine will be eligible for this 200-hour TBO extension due to the Fact All genuine Lycoming parts have been installed.)

This is ready to be delivered.


For further details call us on +44 (0) 118 973 8011

More details:

The engine has been fully Stripped, cleaned and inspected, During inspection all potential parts that can be reused have been subject to a visual, dimensional, AD and SB check. Every component of the engine has been fully NDT inspected by our in-house level 2 NDT engineer, Ferrous parts have been magnafluxed and Non-ferrous parts have been Check with Dye-Penetrant.

The Connecting Rods and Rocker arms have been re-bushed, all the individual parts of the engine have been masked and painted ensuring no paint is on an area where a nut or bolt will land as to ensure no torque is compromised.

All the engine hardware has been inspected and re-cadmium plated.

The Precision Airmotive RSA5AD1 fuel servo and Flow divider have been inspected, NDT’d SB and AD checked then fully overhauled in our in-house overhaul department.

The engine has then gone into our build shop. During the build the engine has been rebuilt using all Genuine Lycoming parts, including NEW Crankshaft, Crankshaft bearings, Crankshaft gear, Connecting rod, nuts, bolts and bearings. New camshaft kit inclusive of camshaft, tappet bodies, Hydraulic plungers and sockets. Two new Idler gear, Fuel pump plunger, fuel pump. We have used a overhauled crankcase. New Champion Slick magnetos, Spark plugs and harness. New complete Lycoming cylinder kits, drain back hoses and induction hoses and clamps have been installed.

Once complete the engine has had a full run on our engine Dyno facility. The engine has received a post run torque and visual check including a full borescope inspection.

The engine is now fully inhibited and ready for dispatch.

The engine was overhauled IAW Lycoming SI1009BE Note 15, (This engine will be eligible for this 200-hour TBO extension due to the Fact All genuine Lycoming parts have been installed.

For further details call us on +44 (0) 118 973 8011