lycoming engine overhauls uk

Lycoming helicopter engine specialists

We Specialist in the overhaul and overspeed inspections on the full range of Lycoming engines installed in Piston engine Helicopters

The Robinson, R22 O-320-B2C and O-360-J2A Engines and the R44 O-540-F1B5 and IO-540-AE1A5 Engines

The Schweizer (Hughes) HO-360-C1A, HIO-360-D1A and HIO-360-G1A and

The Guimbal Cabri and Alpha O-360-J2A Engine.

 All these engine are built using the latest revision of Genuine Parts and in accordance with the latest approved manufacturer’s technical data and specifications, ensuring that all the applicable current Service Bulletins and Aircraft Directives have been complied with. 

Above the engines we can also carry out overhauls and repairs to the Magnetos, Fuel, fuel servos and flow dividers.

 We also have the capability to carry out the NDT on the engine mount frames and Skids under our D1 rating.

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Do you have a question about our aviation services? Call Dean Chamberlain on

Based in Berkshire United Kingdom NMA has the facility, build engines, overhaul existing engines, maintain and repair aviation engines.